IGBT is the insulated gate bipolar transistor, which has the advantages of fast switching speed, high output power, small size and high reliability in terminal applications, and is widely used in smart grid, rail transit, aerospace, new energy and other fields. At present, when the medium power IGBT module is applied to high-speed rail, electric vehicles, wind motors, it needs to withstand the influence of external adverse factors such as low temperature, high temperature, wet heat, vibration, external force impact, therefore, Beginor provides a series of IGBT module packaging protection materials.
Beginor SIPA 8606 is a transparent two-component self-healing silicone gel that forms a cushioned, self-healing, particularly soft material after curing. Used to isolate moisture and other harmful pollutants in contact with the circuit board, and to provide insulation for high voltage. Another use is to provide stress relief to protect circuits and interconnectors from high temperature and mechanical stress.
Model | Feature | |
Silicone | SIPA 8606 | Two-component 1:1 transparent gel, long-term high temperature resistance 220℃, high elongation; Excellent toughness, eliminates mechanical stress |
Silicone | SIPC 9338 | Single component dealcoholization type, transparent, 3-5 minutes tack-free time, good adhesion to PC, copper and other materials, stable performance at -60-260℃ |
Epoxy | EP 6112 | Two-component epoxy, flame retardant UL 94 V-0, ratio 5:1, 0.65 W/K.T thermal conductivity |
Polyurethane | PUR 6608 | Two component polyurethane, flame retardant UL 94 V-0, 0.82 W/K.T thermal conductivity |
Grease | SIGR 1115 | One component thermal grease, 1.5 W/K.T thermal conductivity |
▷ SCR bottom gel potting-sealing: BEGEL 8606,
▷ top polyurethane and epoxy potting-sealing:BEEP 6112,BEEP 6608IGBT
▷ Shell adhesive seal: BESIL 9338
▷ Bottom thermal grease heat sink: BEGR 1115
COPYRIGHT ◎ 2023 Elaplus Functional Materials Co. LTD
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