IGBT, also known as insulated-gate bipolar transistor, is a composite fully controlled voltage-driven power semiconductor device, in popular terms, is a semiconductor switching device. Simply put, it’s an on-off switch.
IGBT is the core device of energy conversion and transmission, used in high-speed trains, electric vehicles, wind turbines, frequency conversion air conditioning, often to withstand low temperature, high temperature, humid heat, vibration, mechanical impact and other environmental factors, so the packaging material of IGBT module must have good environmental adaptability.
Glue scheme for rectifier bridge
1:Border seal:
ELAPLU SIPC 9338H Single component silicone sealant, transparent, quick drying, moisture curing. ELAPLU SIPA 9500 single component heat curing.
2:Chip potting protection:
It depends on the product requirements, if the requirements are not high can use ELAPLU SIPA 8230, if the requirements are high can use adhesive ELAPLU SIPC 8606.3: surface high temperature hard epoxy adhesive:EP 6115 two-component hot curing or room temperature curing.
SCR adhesive solution
1:Border seal:
ELAPLU SIPC 9338H Single component silicone sealant, transparent, quick drying, moisture curing. ELAPLU SIPA 9500 single component heat curing
2:Chip potting protection:
ELAPLU SIPA8606 two-component silicone gel. Long opening time, wide temperature range and high reliability
3:High temperature surface hard epoxy adhesive:
EP 6115 two-component heat curing or room temperature curing.
IGBT module adhesive solution
1:Border seal:
ELAPLU SIPC 9338 Single component silicone sealant, clear, quick drying, moisture curing ELAPLU SIPA 9500 Single component heat curing.
2:Chip potting protection:
ELAPLU SIPA 8606 two-component silicone gel with long opening time, wide temperature range and high reliability
Adhesive for semiconductor module assembly
Silicone Gel
As a special electronic potting material, silicon gel not only has the unique weather resistance and aging resistance, excellent high and low temperature resistance, good hydrophobicity and electrical insulation properties, but also has the advantages of low internal stress, good impact resistance and strong adhesion, so it is the first choice material for IGBT module potting.
SIPA 8606 A/B dielectric insulating silicon gel
◆ 1:1 addition-cured, strong adhesion
◆ High elongation, excellent toughness, eliminate mechanical stress
◆ Very low oil permeability after curing, excellent resistance to toxicity
◆ High temperature electrical insulation is excellent, to provide protection against high voltage
◆ Long-term use temperature range -50-220℃
◆ Excellent aging resistance and weather resistance
◆ Excellent waterproof, anti-corrosion, moisture-proof, chemical medium resistance
◆ It can be used in semiconductor modules, sensors, etc
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